Sunday, 17 March 2013

MARCH 17 / 18 / 19

The "post-surgery" days..... Eman is extremely weak physically and in a lot of pain and discomfort. He is finally starting to sleep a bit. The first ten days he would nod off for 3-5 minutes and then be jolted awake by lung pain. Now he sleeps for like an hour before waking up. We are trying to rotate him on his right side, his "good side" [his left side has the bullet wound/lung drain incision wound/bruised ribs]. It takes about three of us to do this as it is excrutiatingly painful for him. It is dangerous for him to be on his back for so much time as pressure sores develop, he already has some. We are taking turns being with him 24/7 including sleeping overnight. With each visit we smuggle in natural juices, yogurts and vitamins, he cannot eat most of the hospital food. We are carefully observing the nurses procedures with him; sponge baths, toileting, wound dressing, medicating. In a few days WE will be responsible for all of this ourselves. On the 18th we meet again with Dr.Monteiro; They plan to release him on Thursday. He will try to arrange for an ambulance to bring Eman home. Every day we are "working on" Eman's legs; massaging, gentle exercising, stimulating in every way possible. He can feel everything we are doing to him. In addition his legs/feet move on their own, involuntarily, several times a day. This is very encouraging as it means the "signals" from the brain to his legs are getting through his damaged spinal cord. Eman needs immediate rehabilitation therapy. Several people have indicated that the "Sarah Kubitschek" rehabilitation center would be the VERY BEST place for Eman to begin physio therapy. [There is one in Brasilia, Rio de Janeiro & Curitiba] Friends of ours are trying to get him admitted. Please pray that we can get hold of the right people and God will do the miracle we need to open a door there. We are preparing the house for Eman's return home.


  1. Wonderful news! We pray for another miracle every day, and that's exactly what we're being given.

  2. Vou chorar!!!! Demais! Obrigado Sr!!!

  3. I'm so touched by this direct miracle and answer to prayer you guys! It just made me cry in thankfulness and praise to our wonderful Lord for these incredible news! Why should we be amazed. We should've expected! But we're only human! Lord I believe. Help thou my unbelief!

  4. Maravilha. .. estávamos aqui em uma grande torcida. Bjos Gui and Mary

  5. OBRIGADA JESUS!!! ALELUIA!!! Tambem chorei de alegria!! Nunca aceitei esta possibilidade do Emmam ficar paraplegico, eu disse isso ao Senhor em oracao, varias vezes por dia e quando acordava a noite!! "Demandai-me a cerca dos meu filhos e acerca das obras das minhas maos" E o Emman e obra das maos do Senhor!! Sempre clamei, que a cura do Senhor iria ultrapassar a medicina e surpreender as espectativas dos medicos!! IJN! ILY! Emman, continue lutando e ninguem podera parar um homem de fe!!! Bjs.

  6. Tears of Joy!..Our Father is so Awesome!!! We continue to pray for His Name to be lifted up & to spread the Good News. Eman, this experience has touched so many of us. We are honored to witness His power in you and we are marvled in His "Healing Touch".

    My Lord, Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for opening our eyes and releasing the power of the Holy Spirit by Faith thru Your Amazing Grace.....

  7. That is WONDERFUL and I am continuing to pray that it is merely the beginning of COMPLETE healing. God is good!

  8. Eman, Julia. I cannot tell you how pleased and encouraged we are. I will tell all of our friends. Just wonderful. I will try to get by. Peter and Leticia, Steve and Tony.

  9. God bless you guys for both your faith & persistance .We will keep praying & He will continue to do His part!!-Joseph & Iris

  10. Wow that's such amazing news! What a miracle! Keep it up eman! You'll be up and about in no time! St. Patty is proud of you! Toit toit toit and a pot of gold!

  11. Wonderful and mighty is our God! A God of miracles! PTL! Alleluia for these marvelous news. Keep the faith! GBY for being such fighters! We love you and keep praying for you.

  12. So, so happy to hear this amazing and wonderful news! Well, actually, it's not "amazing", it was to be EXPECTED as per your faith and the prayers of all! Still praying for complete recovery. You are true fighters and a great example to us all! I love you guys! "This affliction, which is JUST FOR A MOMENT, works in us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory. While we look not on the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen."

  13. Amazing, awesome news. Keeping all in our prayers for the continued healing and full recovery.

  14. Fan.Tas.Tic. --SO happy for you guys, and of course Eman!

  15. We are so very happy to hears the good news! Tears of desperation have turned to tears of joy!
    We will keep praying! -Clay and Brook

  16. Jlz & Eman, I never felt meaning in any of these Bible verses you're quoting until now. I'm so grateful that you guys have been Bible warriors this whole time & now we can all see the results. Thank you for your strength & for always being the fearless leaders of our crazy Gilligan warrior tribe.
    Happy St. Pattys Day. Love you.

  17. Please continue this stream of info so we can continue to pray for him. There is no one greater than our God. Praise Him for this miraculous healing!

  18. Great stuff! Praying for full recovery. Is the bullet out?

  19. Julia, that's so awesome to hear! We know that "All things work together for good to them that love God!" Ro. 8:28 I was listening to a message today on John 9 when Jesus healed the blind man, and the amazing thing, is that "neither hath this man sinned nor his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him!" In other words, you can't explain how this "random" act was allowed or happened, but one thing is for sure....God will get the glory for his healing, and the echoes will be heard all over the medical community in Brazil and around the world. God is alive, miracles do happen, and "the effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man (a lot of righteous men and women) availeth much!" I'm so happy to hear that Eman is able to feel his legs and identify where you are touching him. it's only a matter of time until his complete recovery, and we will trust God for his total healing. God bless you, and lots of love to Eman and all those there. Already, it's a miracle, and continues to be an astounding act of God's perfect touch. "I am the Lord, the God of all there anything too hard for me?" Love, Sam & Eliane

  20. Que notícia maravilhosa! E que lindo Joolz, de ver você lutando assim ao lado dele!!!! Um grande abraço para vocês! Continuarei orando!

  21. Such GREAT news, we're so happy! "If you ask anything in My Name, I WILL DO IT!" It's happening, with more miracles to come. Love you guys so much, our thoughts and prayer are with you.

  22. Cara vc realmente é um cara abençoado! Fiquei muito feliz com a noticia do sucesso da cirurgia!! Nessa hora é muito importante a Fé e a União da familia!!
    Abs e fique com Deus!

  23. Julia, esta notícia é maravilhosa! Fico muito feliz em saber que tudo está dando certo para a plena recuperação do Emmanuel. Continuarei orando por ele e por todos vocês! Bjs
    O Paulo Lopes e o Ivo Dias estiveram no hospital ontem (18/03 - por volta das 15h), mas como estava fora do horário de visitas não puderam esperar para falar com vocês.

  24. Julia,

    This is great news, specifically that he has feeling in his lower extremities.

    This means that the sensory neurons are conveying information to and from the brain and the affected areas. Very good news.

    Also that there was no leak in spinal fluid could be good news. Removing bone fragments that could have pressured the spinal column is good as well.

    This is an area of medicine that physicians can't do much to help with at this stage. With spinal cord injuries there are not too many typical injuries as the mechanism of injury is pretty varied.

    I know how it is to come out of anesthesia cold, sick and barely alive. I just had that experience recently with knee surgery.

    Wishing him continued recovery and strength.


    Don Irwin

  25. Praying for all of you and the tasks ahead. Miracle by miracle, step by step. You're not alone!

  26. Dear Emanuel, we're with you all the way and praying you to full health. God bless all your little "angels" around you--your sweet family--and I'm sure angels from Heaven as well. "And underneath are the everlasting arms." Love and prayers, Val xxx

  27. Julia, thank you for the details, which helps so very much for praying fervently. As Val said, we're praying for you, Emmanuel, and for you Julia and all of God's angels amongst your family who are caring for Emmanuel. Praying for strength and faith and grace for all of you to be in abundance as Jesus continues to do the healing!

  28. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Eman and the family and ask God to keep the family strong and heal Eman completely. I truly believe this will happen! In the meantime, I am spreading the word about the fundraiser and will pray for success with that as well. I don't know if it has crossed your minds or not but you may want to look into getting Eman SSI disability. I know that would help the family every month and ya'll need every option available. Once God proves all of the doctors wrong and Eman gets up and walks, you can reevaluate the SSi Disability. Just sharing thoughts and sending love your way! Thank you for keeping us all updated.
    Helen Kennedy

  29. Someone today asked if I knew someone who need a wheel chair. I wished Eman wouldn't need it, and could go out of the hospital walking, but just in case you need it until he get back on his foot again, drop me a line ok?
    Lots of love, Joshua

  30. I'm so happy to hear that Eman's coming home today! Also praying that he will get the therapy needed for the task ahead. I'm claiming all the promises in the Bible for healing. There are many, and I know that God is able. This whole thing doesn't make sense, and many times, life itself doesn't make sense, but there is always a reason, and our difficult job is to trust when we can't see it. I know it's not easy, and have had to face that wall of uncertainty many times in my own life, but whatever curve balls life sends our way, they're only temporary. "This light affliction, which is but for a moment......!" Jesus is still in the healing business. He made the lame walk, the blind see, the dead rise, and the demons leave. He healed all manner of sickness and diseases, and is on the throne right now. "Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today and forever" God is not limited by the degree of difficulty. Lazarus was DEAD! And he arose at Jesus' command after he was already stinking! That's a miracle! The little girl, Talitha, was dead, but Jesus only saw her as sleeping! That's a miracle! The blind man in John 9 was blind all his life...40 years....and Jesus gave him back his sight! That's a miracle! We've all seen miracles, and know for sure that they can happen, and we're believing with you for Eman's full recovery, including "dancing and leaping and praising God!" So many things to cling on to. God's word is what to believe....not any inferior ideas or presence. I was going over some healing verses in my Bible this morning, and came across this unique verse...."No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper!" (Is. 54:17a) How about that? God bless and keep you and give you strength! We don't understand the ways of the Lord, and they're past finding out..."My ways are not your ways" (Is. 55:8,9) But we can trust in Him even if we don't understand! Lots of love to you, and we are earnestly praying for you. Sam & Eliane.

  31. This is wonderful news, Julia!!!! I am really praying for your strength for this next part of the journey back to full health. SK is the one of the very best. If you need any help here in Brasilia, please let us know if there is anything we can do for you.
    Lots of love to all!!!!
    Angel and John

  32. Matthew 9

    Jesus Heals a Crippled Man

    9 Jesus got into a boat and crossed back over to the town where he lived.[a] 2 Some people soon brought to him a crippled man lying on a mat. When Jesus saw how much faith they had, he said to the crippled man, “My friend, don’t worry! Your sins are forgiven.”

    3 Some teachers of the Law of Moses said to themselves, “Jesus must think he is God!”

    4 But Jesus knew what was in their minds, and he said, “Why are you thinking such evil things? 5 Is it easier for me to tell this crippled man that his sins are forgiven or to tell him to get up and walk? 6 But I will show you that the Son of Man has the right to forgive sins here on earth.” So Jesus said to the man, “Get up! Pick up your mat and go on home.” 7 The man got up and went home. 8 When the crowds saw this, they were afraid[b] and praised God for giving such authority to people.

  33. Dear Julia & Emmanuel!
    We are praying for you daily and for Emmanuel's continued healing. Is there any news from SK? While praying for Emmanuel the other day I was reminded of a boy a met who had become paraplegic after a biking accident. He was treated at SK for a while and made some progress. After that he started something called equotherpy and recovered completely. Equotherapy is a treatment is done with riding horses and is used for treating many types of ailments, such as people who have suffered from strokes, etc. There is a center for it in Rio, and there is one close to where we live here in Brasilia. If you want I can try to find out some information for you.
    Much love and prayers to all of you,
    - Angel and John

  34. Hi Julia
    This is Jonathan Helper
    I was driving you around in Italy going night singing and Eman was working with me and Benji in the studio.
    It's not a pleasant way to find out about you two!
    Of course I'll be praying for Eman, and I'm sure he will be fine and write new songs about it all!
    It will pass.
    The Lord has blessed you with a good family.
