Saturday, 30 March 2013


Once again it is worked out for us to visit Eman in the hospital outside of the official visiting hour. We have been researching and conversing with friends about nutrition and vitamin supplements that can help stimulate Eman's healing and recovery.  The hospital does not allow you to bring food or drink to patients. So we are smuggling him juices, yogurts and natural foods. They having been trying to feed him beet and onion salad [?] and dried meat [?] ...... [on an empty stomach, after not eating for 4 days] I am wondering who hired the hospital nutritionist.  - Eman is stronger physically but it is very obvious the bigger hurdle now is the psychological one.  As he lies alone for hours and hours, unable to sleep for any length of time and without being able to move, obviously his mind is battling with his future and how he will cope. When we visit, we smother him with as much love as he can take. We are reading him peoples messages and notes, praying with him and trying to encourage him as much as we can. He is listening to music and watching family videos from home. It appears that physically he is "out of the woods", the doctor yesterday told us that his lung basically collapsed, today, the thorax doctor on duty can see from the scans it is inflated again.  He will still have the tube draining his lung for another few days.  Please pray for him to stay encouraged, positive and fighting in his mind. We have a nine o'clock appointment tomorrow morning with Dr.Ruy the chief neuro surgeon of the hospital. A pastor comes and offers prayers for Eman. We have been massaging his legs and feet at every visit. Mike is rubbing his foot....................... Eman says he can feel a tingle, we ask him "which foot do you feel being rubbed?" and he can correctly identify which one. PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE keep praying!!!!!!!!!!

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