Monday, 8 July 2013


WHAT A PHENOMENAL DAY!!!! THANK YOU to all who came from far and wide to join us in sending Eman off with a lot of love and positive energy, it was VERY special. Thanks to the man upstairs, we had gorgeous weather..... Thank you to Edson and Jodie who let a whopping 25O participants invade the beautiful "Oasis Sitio" for the day. From babies to grandparents we all enjoyed each other's company, lunch outdoors and assorted activities. To all the musicians who lent their many talents to our musical program, THANK YOU! Emmanuel played with ArizonA for the FIRST time since March 5th, and true to form brought the house down with his guitar playing. The tidal wave of camaraderie and love was overwhelming. No doubt the days and months to come will be grueling for Emmanuel, I know he is going to think back on his send-off and remember all of YOU his many friends who are "with him" in spirit. I don't think there could be better motivation for him to keep up the fight.

1 comment:

  1. It was indeed a wonderful event! Lots and lots of good feeling. Alan and Bruce (dobro) and I has a great time: a real old-fashioned good-time American style picnic. I can't remember when I had so much fun. Thanks you for inviting us.

    God speed Emmanuel, God speed.
